Keyword Research For Your Small Business Website

Good Content PracticesKeyword Research 

Keyword research is a vital part of your small business website whether you’re offering a product, service or information.

Keyword research is the process of finding out what words or phrases people enter in search engines when enquiring about a service or product. As such, keyword research implies discovering how potential visitors think as expressed by the keywords they use in finding the product/service/information that you are offering.  Think about the way you type a question or statement in Google. I used to type simple words now I am typing whole sentences. How do you Google?

Understanding and implementing the basics of keyword research will make it easier for your prospective customers to find you, as well as facilitate your effort of connecting with them.

Keyword Research and SEO

Having keyword research knowledge within search engine optimization (SEO) is a great benefit and adds an edge when incorporating your content. In fact, identifying and choosing the appropriate keywords to optimize is considered an indispensable step to a successful SEO campaign. Although, we do not want keywords to be overdone and depreciate the value of the content.

Having keyword research is an essential step that will help save time, money and boost your online business campaign. Let your target clients find you using the correct keywords.

Finding the appropriate keywords for your site offers a better chance of attaining good search engine results page (SERP) rank because it can guide you:

  • how to effectively optimize your website
  • what keyword phrases to target in you link building effort
  • what content to create for your target customers.

Keyword Categories

Keywords can be categorized as:

  • single word keywords
  • multiple word keywords

Single word keywords are also known as generic keywords and are used to target a huge traffic. These keywords are extremely competitive and they lead to high competition category websites.

Multiple word keywords can either be “head” terms or “long-tail”.  “Head” terms are popular words and are frequently searched.  “Long-tail” meanwhile, are longer more specific keyword phrases and not so commonly used.

Use of multiple word keywords can help improve on your SERP rank and sales in as much as they target specific prospective customers.

Long-tail keywords can deliver higher ROI.

Keywords used by searchers can indicate their buying stage

The number of words in a phrase typed in by a searcher can indicate his purchase journey (Justin Deaville). It can indicate how close he is to a purchase stage.

  • 1 or 2 words are considered “research” keywords
  • 2 or 3-word keywords are categorized as “consideration” keywords
  • 3 or more words or long-tail keywords are classified as “purchase” keywords
  • brand-based keywords which tend to be shorter are regarded as “loyalty keywords”

The above information provides insight that keyword research can help marketers in packaging their marketing campaigns. Efforts can be made to convert searchers in the “consideration” and “purchase” stages into actual buyers. That is why keyword research is also named market research.

Keyword Research Tools

Here are six FREE keyword research tools you can use to uncover the words or phrases that are right for your website. Visit each site for more information on the capabilities of each.

1. Google Keyword Planner ( This tool which replaced Google Keyword Tool is dubbed as the alpha and omega of keyword research.   

2. KeywordSpy ( It allows you to discover your competitors’ keywords and take advantage of their success. It has a Lifetime Free Trial account.

3. WordStream’s Keyword Tool ( This tool allows you to target certain niches and gives further suggestions.

4. Web CEO Online ( A cloud-based SEO platform and provides easy-to-follow SEO checklists, tools for keyword research, link building and site monitoring.

5. SEMRush  ( It’s a free application provides just enough data to be useful.

6. Übersuggest ( Makes good use of Google Suggest and other suggest services.

You can only come-up with your final list of keywords after making a careful analysis of each identified keyword vis-à-vis online search volume, completion level and what you sincerely believe best describe your website.

Here are other helpful resources on keyword research for small business websites:

This is a lot of information. Knowing that SEO practices change frequently you will need to keep your SEO knowledge up to date. I like knowing Ray can handle the bigger SEO needs of our clients. If you need extra SEO help let us know and we will set you up an SEO package based on your needs and budget.

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