Design your Life Plan

The world's best productivity hack.

To live in balance and clarity.

Has your productivity has hit a low?

✓  Your business has gotten off course.
You have forgotten your why.
  ​you are generally overwhelmed.

It happens, life gets off course and being productive is hard.

A lot of life gets sucked out with everyday have-to’s and unexpected whatnots.
Creating your Life Plan will help you know what to say yes to and what to let go of and become highly productive.




As a business owner, mom, spouse, sister, friend, life gets messy.

But would you want it any other way? You need to pivot, re-arrange, and sometimes step away. That's ok! In fact, it's necessary. 

Here's what makes a Life Plan work:

  • You begin with the end in mind.
  • You know there are forks in the road and you'll know which one to take.
  • You are never stuck with one solution or outcome.

Here’s how it works

  • Schedule a call

    We'll chat about where you are & where you want to be.

  • Create A Plan

    Take time to make time. We'll create a plan.

  • Stand On Solid Ground

    Stand on solid ground and live in a world you create.

Life Coach  |  Life Plan Facilitator |  Certified Business Made Simple Coach

"I love working with Laura because she really listened to me. She helped me see more clearly how to pivot." – Stephanie

How I can help

  • Live Workshop

    Take a live online workshop to learn the tools and strategies with q/a.

  • On-Demand Course

    Business Made Simple - Hero On A Mission. Learn the tools and strategies.

  • One-to-One

    Guidance to support you through your pivot, change, or leap of faith.

Laura Heuer Greencastle Web Design

I’m a web designer and Life Plan Facilitator who has had many twists and turns along the way. So when I say I understand what it’s like to realign, pivot, make a change, or take a big leap of faith? I’m walking the talk with real experience.

I’m here to help you write your story, to bring balance and clarity to your life plans so you live in a world you create - while being highly productive.

"So many things got accomplished in this time - focused, uncomfortable, re-ignited." – J.W.

You’ve got this. Write your story and live in balance and clarity.

Don’t let life's chaos prevent you from being productive.

Download My Productivity Checklist:

7 Point Checklist To Be Highly Productive. Can you check them all?

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Wilmington NC 28411


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