- Has your customer/client base been increasing?
- Are you attracting your ideal clients to your website?
- Are you getting exciting new leads via your website?
- Are you getting organic traffic from search engines?
We hope you LOVE your business! And that your website is increasing your traffic and boosting your bottom line. If so, you have droves of clients, plenty of leads, and mammoth sales! But, if your website is not working as hard as you, check to see if these three items are up to par, and if not make adjustments so that you can grow your business via your website.
Three foundational needs every website must have to grow your business.
1. Website Copy
Your website Copy should be written in a way that attracts your audience. StoryBrand Framework will help you clarify your message and attract the right people to your products and or services. Utilizing StoryBrand copy to engage your customers is one of the best content strategies that simplify your website and help potential clients take action.
Get copy that attracts your audience!
2. Website Design
Your website Design should convey (quickly) a story you want your readers to understand – easily. The right design can pull in your ideal clients instantly. If your design is not attracting customers you might want to consider a design update.
Design your website to quickly pull in your audience!
3. Website Optimization
Your website should include Search Engine Optimization. Having a beautiful website with the right story copy is a great start but a website without optimization will not be easily found (which means it will not be working as hard as you). Your websites need to be searchable, findable, and growable.
-Direct search – someone finds you because they know you, have seen you on social media, or someone told them about you and they went directly to your website.
-Organic search – you have been found because when someone searched the internet for a specific topic your website was part of the list – you have been organically found.
Optimize your website so your future clients find you!
Download our free guide to all three of these and two bonus necessities!