Back Up Your Computer

What Happens When Your Computer Crashes

We had a great long winter break. It was time to start back working on projects but my computer wanted a little more time off.

My computer was running slow so I turned it off and… it would not turn back on! I would have totally panicked but I had (three weeks earlier) gone to the Apple store and purchased a new back up device. My old one no longer held all of my computer content, so (thankfully) I had them configure the settings in the store so I knew I had a good back-up of all of my files, images and so forth.

Apple Repair

I called Apple Repair (800-692-7753) and they were so helpful but the computer needed more than a phone call. I needed to go to the Apple store.

Hard Drive

It was the hard drive. Thankfully everything was backed-up. It still was a bit scary!

Conclusion-Back Up Your Computer Files

I am not sure why I backed up when I did but I am sure glad I did. Suggestion-back up your computer, you will be glad you did.


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